2016 and 2017 Business Meeting

by Whitney Baker | Mar 01, 2017
The revised 2016 Montréal Business Meeting Minutes were approved by membership vote. The minutes were shared on MemberFuse, as compiled by BPG Secretary Mary Oey in May; minutes, with revisions from members, were shared on MemberFuse in August 2017. A direct email to all members provided the link to the online vote. Members with no email address on file with AIC received a paper copy. The results were: 71 members voted online, of which 62 voted to approve the minutes and 9 voted to abstain from voting. No members receiving a paper copy voted.

We expect to continue with this process going forward, which replaces the process of conducting the vote at the start of the following year’s business meeting.

Expect materials for the 2017 Business Meeting in Chicago to be posted to MemberFuse in the upcoming months. When we add the materials to the BPG area of MemberFuse, you should get an auto-notification email from AIC with the subject line “AICHAW Notifications.” Please note that AIC uses this subject line for any member activity on MemberFuse (e.g., new materials are added or someone has posted to an open conversation string).

To receive these notifications, you must have a login for www.conservation-us.org, and be an active member of BPG.
—Whitney Baker, BPG Chair