BPG Discussion Groups

The primary mission of the Discussion Groups is to encourage dynamic exchange of ideas and practices within the BPG community through open dialogues, practical hands-on experiences, and round-table discussions held annually at the AIC Annual Meeting. The sessions are inclusive, informative, and engaging. Annual meeting attendees routinely cite the Discussion Groups as the most useful part of the BPG program.

Discussion Group (DG) Co-Chairs

Each Discussion Group is led by two co-chairs who serve for two-year terms, which are staggered to allow for overlap and collaborative learning. During the second year of service, the veteran co-chair puts out a call for volunteers for a new co-chair to the BPG Online Community and at the Annual Meeting (e.g., on/in between slides; during DG sessions; at the BPG Business Meeting, etc.) Co-chairs should have sufficient years of professional conservation experience and networking to be able to identify current trends and themes in the field and select compelling speakers in order to craft a robust, topical program. The veteran co-chair makes the final incoming co-chair selection with approval from the Program Chair. The incoming co-chair should be in place within two months of the Annual Meeting. DG co-chairs fall under the Education & Program Committee and under the Program Chair. The Program Chair may ask DG co-chairs to serve on the Abstract Review Committee. The Program Chair reserves final say on decisions regarding content, speaker relations, and technical specifications of the DG sessions.

Responsibilities of Discussion Group (DG) Chairs

  • Plan all aspects of the DG program (identify a topic, decide the format, put out call for speakers, coordinate all necessary instructions to speakers, etc.) at the Annual Meeting under the guidance of the Program Chair.
  • Work with the Program Chair to schedule the DG program into the BPG Annual Meeting programming.
  • Moderate the DG session at the Annual Meeting (ensure speakers know what they need to do, ensure PowerPoints are loaded, introduce speakers, keep time, deliver the planned program, etc.).
  • Provide documentation of the session (e.g., a written summary published in BPGA).
  • During veteran year: put out call for and select incoming co-chair with approval from the Program Chair.
  • Serve on the BPG Education & Program Committee (support as needed by Education & Program Chair).
  • Serve on the Abstract Review Committee (if needed by Program Chair).