


There are several posts related to photographic materials conservation on Conservators Converse, AIC's former blog.


Grants & Stipends

We offer small stipends to speakers at our meetings to encourage scholarship, research, exchange, and publication within the field and related communities. 

For more grants and scholarships, see Funding.


The Journal of the American Institute for Conservation dedicated its Vol. 59, Nos. 3-4 to salted paper prints, a must have for all photograph conservators.



Read our column in AIC News.

Notable Articles

New Originals: Reprints in Photography
Hanako Murata, J. Luca Ackerman, Tatiana Cole, and Peter Mustardo for PMG
Presented in part at the PMG session of the 2017 AIC Annual Meeting in Chicago, Illinois


FAIC organizes and runs the series Collaborative Workshops in Photograph Conservation (CWPC)

More information on upcoming workshops can be found here:

Any future workshops can be searched within the Learning Community Portal on AIC's website

Upcoming workshops:

Photomechanical Prints: History, Technology, Aesthetics, and Use

October 29th-November 4th, 2023

Online Community

We maintain an online community, which is a valuable forum where colleagues with interests and experience in photograph conservation can share and exchange ideas and practical information, facilitate open discussion, and disseminate group-related news, resources, questions, job postings, announcements, comments of interest, and general information. It is benefit of membership, and all new members of the group are automatically subscribed to the community. All posts are archived and are searchable.