Because our annual conference is major benefit of membership, we discount dues by roughly 30% for the remainder of the year for anyone who joins after July 1. After Sept 1, we extend the expiration date of new members to the next year.
- Because equity, inclusion, and access are part of our core values as an organization, we discount dues for online memberships for members in parts of the world that have a Gross National Income Per Capita significantly lower than
countries in North America or Western Europe.
- We calculate the discount automatically based on the preferred address provided and according to categories determined by the World Bank.
- 25% off for those in Category 2
- 50% off for those in Category 3
- 75% off for those in Category 4
- If you do not know to which category your country belongs, download the list below.
Country Categories - Gross National Income
Work Status
If you are an existing member but you no longer work in the field full-time, you are eligible for a reduced rate of only $88. Update the work status field to "Retired" in your profile to automatically receive the discount.
Income-Based Discount
If your annual salary or income is US$40,000 or less, you can select a reduced price package when joining or renewing as a Member or Professional Member.