Alabama State Historic Preservation Office Grant Resources
Alabama Historical Commission has compiled information about state grants, private funding, and federal funds available to Alabama museums for a variety of projects.
Museums Alaska Collections Management Fund
Museums Alaska administers the Collections Management Fund in partnership with the Rasmuson Foundation.The Collections Management Fund grants museums and cultural centers in Alaska funds for collections management supplies and activities. The goal is to build capacity for managing collections through professional expertise, training, and conservation materials and supplies.
Alaska State Museum Grants
The Alaska State Museum awards grants to Alaska museums and museum-related organizations, such as historical societies or support groups, for projects that improve the quality of museum services and operations within the state.
Historic Preservation Fund Development and Predevelopment Grants
The Office of History and Archaeology has an annual Historic Preservation Fund grant to help owners of historic preservation properties with rehabilitation projects. Individuals, non-profit organizations, businesses, Native and local government entities can apply. The grants are for a maximum of $25,000, must be matched, and are awarded on a competitive basis.
Atwood Foundation
A private foundation supporting education and the arts. They look to have supported many Alaska museums in the past.
Museum Association of Arizona
The Museum Association of Arizona maintains a comprehensive list of state, private, and national grants available to Arizona museums.
The National Trust for Historic Preservation The Southwest Intervention Fund
Members of the National Trust for Historic Preservation my apply for funding to further preservation efforts of the traditional cultures of the Southwest region, exclusively in Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, West Texas and Utah. The Fund provides support for preservation planning efforts and enables prompt responses to emergency threats or opportunities in the eligible states. Local partners, nonprofit organizations and government agencies that have strategic opportunities to save sites or help jumpstart preservation projects are eligible for the Fund’s small, catalytic grants. Grants generally range from $2,500 to $10,000.
Arkansas Historic Preservation Program Restoration Grants
Preservation funding is available for sites eligible for the nomination to the National Register of Historic Places or currently listed on the Register.
Arkansas Humanities Council Grants
Arkansas Humanities offers multiple grant programs which can be used to fund general operating costs, conservation materials, equipment, building and grounds maintenance, accessioning artifacts, research, web design, exhibits, and educational programs.
The Sunderland Foundation
Museums in Arkansas may apply for funding for arts and culture projects from The Sunderland Foundation.
California Museum Grant Program
This California Cultural and Historical Endowment grant helps preserve the tangible aspects of California’s history: the artifacts, collections, archives, historic structures and properties that cultivate understanding of our collective past, and preserve the many historic treasures that are California's cultural legacy.
Orphaned Archaeological Collection Grant
The Society for California Archaeology has a total of $1,000 to administer to one recipient annually for the purpose of research and care of orphaned collections. Costs supported include materials and supplies for re-housing collections in archival quality storage, wages, travel and per diem.
Colorado and Wyoming Association of Museums (CWAM) Small Grants
Members of the Colorado and Wyoming Association of Museums may apply for one of four annual $500 grants that can be used for any number of collections care needs.
The Greenwood Fund through the Denver Foundation
The Greenwood Fund provides small grants for artifact and collection care for museums in the Colorado and Wyoming area.
History Colorado State Historic Funds
Funds are available for a variety of historic preservation projects, include the preparation of Historic Structure Assessments, stabilization or development of historic sites, and the preparation of constructions documents.
National Trust for Historic Preservation Peter Grant Fund for Colorado
Members of the National Trust for Historic Preservation my apply for funding to help preserve and enhance historic places in Colorado for future generations. Bricks and mortar projects are eligible for funding. Grants made from the Peter Grant Preservation Fund for Colorado will normally range from $1,000 to $10,000.
The National Trust for Historic Preservation The Southwest Intervention Fund
Members of the National Trust for Historic Preservation my apply for funding to to further preservation efforts of the traditional cultures of the Southwest region, exclusively in Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, West Texas and Utah. The Fund provides support for preservation planning efforts and enables prompt responses to emergency threats or opportunities in the eligible states. Local partners, nonprofit organizations and government agencies that have strategic opportunities to save sites or help jumpstart preservation projects are eligible for the Fund’s small, catalytic grants. Grants generally range from $2,500 to $10,000.
New England Museum Association Resource List
NEMA maintains an excellent comprehensive list of funding resources by state. Those most likely to fund CAP implementation projects include funding offered through the Connecticut Offices of Culture and Tourism, Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation Grant Opportunities, and Connecticut State Historic Preservation Office Grants.
The 1772 Foundation Historic Preservation Grants
Funding in the form of 1:1 matching grants of up to $15,000 is made available for the following historic preservation projects: exterior painting, finishes and surface restoration, fire detection/lightning protection/security systems, repairs to/restoration of porches, roofs and windows, repairs to foundations and sills, and chimney and masonry repointing.
Historic New England Community Preservation Grants
Historic New England provides heritage preservation grants of $1,000 each to a small and mid-sized heritage organization in each of the six New England states.
Delaware Heritage Commission Purnell Challenge Grant
Please contact the Delaware Heritage Commission to discuss your needs and how your CAP implementation project may fit their grant eligibility. A public-facing component is required. For example, a grant that included rehousing, research, and an exhibit on a specific collection may be a possibility.
Florida Department of State Division of Cultural Affairs Grants
Support for general programming, specific projects, and facilities renovation is available through the Florida Department of State Division of Cultural Affairs.
Florida Department of State Division of Historic Resources Historic Preservation Grants
Special Category grants assist major site-specific archaeological excavations, the major restoration or rehabilitation of historic buildings or structures, and major museum exhibits involving the development and presentation of information on the history of Florida.
Florida Department of State Division of Historic Resources Small Matching Grants
Small Matching grants are awarded annually to assist in: acquisition of historic properties or archaeological sites; restoration, rehabilitation, restoration, and structural analysis; stabilization of historic and archaeological properties; site specific planning for these activities; recordation of historic or archaeological properties threatened with damage or destruction; architectural and archaeological surveys which include recording the sites in the Florida Master Site File; acquisition of State Historical Markers; community education projects; management plans; nominations to the National Register of Historic Places; and start-up Main Street projects.
No known programs.
National Trust for Historic Preservation Sam and Mary Cooke Preservation Fund for Hawai’i
Members of the National Trust for Historic Preservation are eligible to apply for funding between $2500 and $10,000 for brick and mortar projects. Grants from this fund will help preserve and enhance historic places in Hawai’i for future generations.
Idaho State Historical Society Community Enhancement Grants
The Idaho State Historical Society Community Grants program funds collections management projects such as storage improvements, supplies, lighting improvements, etc. Grants range from $500 to $2,500.
Idaho State Historic Records Advisory Board Grants
The Idaho State Historical Records Advisory Board can help with projects such as digitizing collections, purchasing archival supplies, or making local records accessible to researchers. Grants up to $5,000 will be awarded to qualifying institutions and organizations for collections management, preservation, and other archival projects.
Idaho Heritage Trust Preservation Grants
The Idaho Heritage Trust provides free technical assistance to Idaho organizations to restore and preserve historic buildings, sites, and cultural artifacts. The Trust also administers a grant to fund preservation activities.
The Sunderland Foundation
Museums in Idaho may apply for funding for arts and culture projects from The Sunderland Foundation.
ISHRAB Historical Records Grant Program
The Illinois State Historical Records Advisory Board offers a matching grant program of $500 to $5,000 to assist Illinois archival repositories and government agencies with preserving and making accessible records of historical importance.
Heritage Support Grants
The Indiana Historical Society supports Indiana’s local, county, and regional historical societies, museums, and sites with grants of $500 to $50,000 to support capacity building, collections stewardship, and other high-priority needs.
Indiana Historic Preservation Fund
Indiana’s Department of Natural Resources oversees grants for National Register-eligible and National Register-listed properties. They fall under two funding programs: (1) Architectural and Historical and (2) Acquisition and Development.
Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs Grants
Each year, the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs invests grant funding into projects, organizations and communities that enhance quality of life in Iowa through arts, history and culture. Grants include Capacity Building Grants, which provides operating support for museums with budgets under $150,000.
The Sunderland Foundation
Museums in Kansas may apply for funding for arts and culture projects from The Sunderland Foundation.
Kansas Humanities Council Heritage Grants
Kansas Humanities Council Heritage Grants are intended support museums by providing up to $3,500 for a variety of projects, including preservation, to implement best practices.
Heritage Trust Fund, Historic Preservation Fund, and Other Grant Opportunities
The Kansas Historical Society maintains a comprehensive list of grants for eligible historic structures.
Kansas Museums Association Institutional Project Grant
Members of the Kansas Museums Association are eligible for grants up to $500 for projects that improve the quality of their museum operations.
The Sunderland Foundation
Museums in Kansas may apply for funding for arts and culture projects from The Sunderland Foundation.
National Trust for Historic Preservation The Linda and Jerry Bruckheimer Preservation Fund for Kentucky
Members of the National Trust for Historic Preservation may apply for the Linda and Jerry Bruckheimer Preservation Fund for Kentucky, which supports the preservation of historic buildings, communities and landscapes in the state of Kentucky. Grants will normally range from $2,500 to $10,000.
Louisiana Decentralized Arts Fund Program
Louisiana institutions should contact their region development agency for information about grant funding for arts projects.
Funding Resource List for Maine Museums
NEMA maintains an excellent comprehensive list of funding resources by state.
National Trust for Historic Preservation Bartus Trew Providence Preservation Fund
Members of the National Trust for Historic Preservation may apply for grants from the Bartus Trew Providence Preservation Fund, which are designed to encourage preservation at the local level by providing money for the acquisition, maintenance, and preservation of historic landmarks and memorials on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. These grants enable local groups to respond proactively to a preservation challenge by providing funding for property acquisition, bricks and mortar preservation, and technical assistance.
Funding Resource List for Massachusetts Museums
NEMA maintains an excellent comprehensive list of funding resources by state.
Michigan Historic Preservation Network
The Michigan Historic Preservation Network maintains a list of grants available to Michigan institutions.
Minnesota Historical Society Historical and Cultural Heritage Grants
Grants from the Minnesota Historical Society are awarded to preserve and enhance access to Minnesota’s cultural and historical resources and to support projects of enduring value for the cause of history and historic preservation across the state. Grants fall under three main categories; community history projects, historic preservation projects, and structured grants.
Mississippi Department of Archives and History Grants
Many historic buildings and archaeological sites in Mississippi are eligible for grants through the Historic Preservation Division. Funds are available for a wide range of projects, including the repair of residences and businesses damaged by Hurricane Katrina, restoration of historic schools and courthouses, creation of educational programming, and archaeological research.
The Sunderland Foundation
Museums in western Missouri may apply for funding for arts and culture projects from The Sunderland Foundation.
Montana History Foundation Grants Program
The Montana History Foundation offers grants of $500 to $5,000 to preserve and protect the historic legacy of communities across the state, including funding for buildings and structures and collections and artifacts.
The Sunderland Foundation
Museums in Montana may apply for funding for arts and culture projects from The Sunderland Foundation.
The Ethel S. Abbott Charitable Foundation
The Ethel S. Abbott Charitable Foundation offers capital grants to support major building projects, typically to institutions in Omaha, Lincoln, and western Nebraska.
The Sunderland Foundation
Museums in Nebraska may apply for funding for arts and culture projects from The Sunderland Foundation.
Nevada Humanities
Nevada Humanities gives grants to to support humanities projects and programs that promote community through various forms of engagement. If interested please contact Nebraska Humanities staff about your project. All grants must have a public facing component. Mini-grant applications requesting $1,000 or less may be submitted at any time at least ten weeks prior to the proposed project date.
New Hampshire
Funding Resource List for New Hampshire Museums
NEMA maintains an excellent comprehensive list of funding resources by state.
New Jersey
New Jersey Department of State Grants and Award Opportunities
The New Jersey Department of State offers a variety of grants and programs dedicated to the advancement of public knowledge and preservation of New Jersey’s history. Grants include general operating support, project grants, the county history partnership program, and the artifact assessment program. The state also offers prizes and free archival evaluation services through the Caucus Archival Projects Evaluation Service or CAPES.
State of New Jersey Historic Trust
Funding opportunities for historic preservation activities include Preserve New Jersey Historic Preservation Fund, New Jersey Cultural Trust Capital Preservation Grant Program, and the 1172 Foundation Capital Grant Program and Emergency Grant and Loan Fund.
New Mexico
The National Trust for Historic Preservation The Southwest Intervention Fund
Members of the National Trust for Historic Preservation may apply for grants from the National Trust’s Southwest Intervention Fund, which are intended to further preservation efforts of the traditional cultures of the Southwest region, exclusively in Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, West Texas and Utah. The Fund provides support for preservation planning efforts and enables prompt responses to emergency threats or opportunities in the eligible states. Grants generally range from $2,500 to $10,000.
New York
Greater Hudson Heritage Network (GHHN)
In partnership with the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA), administers the NYSCA/GHHN Conservation Treatment Grant Program that provides support for treatment procedures by professional conservators to aid in stabilizing and preserving objects.
Collection Needs Assessment Supplies Grant
Also available from the Greater Hudson Heritage Network (GHHN), in partnership with the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA), is the Collection Needs Assessment Supplies Grant. This allows participants of assessment programs (such as CAP) to apply for up to $750 to purchase supplies to protect their collections.
North Carolina
North Carolina Preservation Consortium Grant
Preservation grants from the North Carolina Preservation Consortium (NCPC) promote the preservation of collections in libraries, museums, archives, and historic sites; monuments, memorials, and outdoor art; archaeological sites and collections; and historic and cultural architecture. These grants of up to $2,000 can be used for preservation project work, environmental monitoring equipment, storage, tools for repair and conservation, conservation of collections, and education and training.
North Carolina Science Museums Grant Program
The Department of Natural and Cultural Resources awards operational support to eligible science museums across North Carolina.
North Dakota
State Historical Society of North Dakota Cultural Heritage Grants
The State Historical Society of North Dakota provides grants in categories, including collections projects. Funded projects may include cataloging, collections care, research, computer and software purchases
Ohio Local History Alliance
Ohio Local History Alliance maintains an updated list of links to grants for Ohio museums, including several that fund preservation and collections projects.
Ohio History Connection Grants and Funding Sources
Learn about History Fund grants, which support brick and mortar, organizational development, and collections grants. The page also includes a list of historic preservation funding sources.
The Sunderland Foundation
Museums in Oklahoma may apply for funding for arts and culture projects from The Sunderland Foundation.
Oregon State Parks and Recreation Department
The Oregon State Parks and Recreation Department offers a variety of grants listed on the link above, including the Oregon Heritage Grant Program, Museum Grant Program, and Preserving Oregon Grant. These offer funds towards a variety of projects including collections, conservation, and rehabilitation projects.
Oregon Cultural Trust Cultural Development Grants
The Oregon Cultural Trust funds preservation projects with grants that typically range from $5,000 to $40,000.
The Sunderland Foundation
Museums in Oregon may apply for funding for arts and culture projects from The Sunderland Foundation.
Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission (PHMC) Grants
PHMC grants funds for the museum operating support, historic preservation planning projects, and construction projects.
National Trust for Historic Preservation Louis J. Appell, Jr., Preservation Fund for Central Pennsylvania
Members of the National Trust for Historic Preservation may apply for the Louis J. Appell, Jr., Preservation Fund for Central Pennsylvania. These grants are designed to encourage preservation at the local level by providing money for the maintenance and preservation of historic places in Central Pennsylvania.
Rhode Island
Funding Resource List for Rhode Island Museums
The New England Museum Association (NEMA) maintains an excellent comprehensive list of funding resources by state.
South Carolina
South Carolina Humanities Grants
Museums should consult with humanities grant administrators to inquire whether a grant that includes a public facing component to the collections care might be eligible. For example, a grant that included rehousing, research, and an exhibit on a specific collection maybe be a possibility.
South Dakota
South Dakota State Historic Preservation Funding Opportunities
The South Dakota State Historical Society maintains an excellent list of funding opportunities for historic preservation activities.
South Dakota Community Foundation
The South Dakota Community Foundation provides grant funding and other support for nonprofits.
No known programs.
Texas Preservation Trust Fund
The Texas Historical Commission (THC) awards grants for preservation projects from the Texas Preservation Trust Fund (TPTF) on a yearly basis.
The National Trust for Historic Preservation The Southwest Intervention Fund
Members of the National Trust for Historic Preservation my apply for funding to further preservation efforts of the traditional cultures of the Southwest region, exclusively in Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, West Texas and Utah. The Fund provides support for preservation planning efforts and enables prompt responses to emergency threats or opportunities in the eligible states. Local partners, nonprofit organizations and government agencies that have strategic opportunities to save sites or help jumpstart preservation projects are eligible for the Fund’s small, catalytic grants. Grants generally range from $2,500 to $10,000.
Texas Historical Foundation
Texas Historical Foundation grants provide seed money to help organizations save their own pieces of the state’s past, including historic property restoration and artifact preservation.
The Sunderland Foundation
Museums in Texas may apply for funding for arts and culture projects from The Sunderland Foundation.
The National Trust for Historic Preservation The Southwest Intervention Fund
Members of the National Trust for Historic Preservation my apply for funding to further preservation efforts of the traditional cultures of the Southwest region, exclusively in Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, West Texas and Utah. The Fund provides support for preservation planning efforts and enables prompt responses to emergency threats or opportunities in the eligible states. Local partners, nonprofit organizations and government agencies that have strategic opportunities to save sites or help jumpstart preservation projects are eligible for the Fund’s small, catalytic grants. Grants generally range from $2,500 to $10,000.
The Sunderland Foundation
Museums in Utah may apply for funding for arts and culture projects from The Sunderland Foundation.
Funding Resource List for Vermont Museums
NEMA maintains an excellent comprehensive list of funding resources by state.
The Vermont Community Foundation Small and Inspiring Grant
If you have a project that demonstrates how preserving or sharing collections serves your community (and the people of Vermont) and connects with your community, contact Community Foundation staff to see if it is eligible for funding.
Preservation Trust of Vermont Preservation Grants
Through a partnership with the Freeman Foundation, Preservation Grants are available to non-profit organizations and municipalities for rehabilitating historic buildings in the Northeast Kingdom. Preservation Grants are usually awarded after ongoing work with the Preservation Trust, so begin by contacting Trust staff to discuss your project.
Virginia Department of Historic Resources Grants and Incentives
The Virginia Department of Historic Resources offers a variety of grant opportunities for historic and archaeological sites, battlefield sites, certified local government grants, and survey and planning grants.
Virginia Association of Museums Virginia’s Top 10 Endangered Artifacts Program
Through nomination, public voting, and a review process by an independent Selection Committee, ten artifacts will be chosen to participate in the Virginia’s Top 10 Endangered Artifacts program. The 2018 Top Ten will be eligible to receive awards in the amounts of $500 to $5,000 for conservation or preservation efforts. Members of the Virginia Association of Museums are eligible to nominate artifacts.
Washington Museum Association Funding Resources
The Washington Museum Association maintains an excellent list of funding resources that includes public funds and private grants.
Washington State Historical Society Heritage Capital Projects Fund
Heritage Capital Projects program was established to support the capital needs and facilities that interpret and preserve Washington’s heritage.
Washington Women’s Foundation Pooled Fund Grants
Pooled Fund Grants support five main areas; Arts and Culture, Education, Environment, Health and Human Services. Contact them to inquire about your project and eligibility.
The Sunderland Foundation
Museums in Washington may apply for funding for arts and culture projects from The Sunderland Foundation.
West Virginia
West Virginia Humanities Council Grants
Museums should consult with humanities grant administrators to inquire whether a grant that includes a public facing component to the collections care might be eligible. For example, a grant that included rehousing, research, and an exhibit on a specific collection maybe be a possibility.
Wisconsin Historical Society Local History Grants for Collections Care and Management
Each spring affiliates can apply for grants up to $700 for projects and activities that support collections care and management.
Wisconsin Federation of Museums Grants
The Wisconsin Federation of Museums administers mini grants and emergency professionals grants to allow those new to the field to attend the Wisconsin Museums Conference. Affiliates of the Wisconsin Federation of Museums are eligible to apply.
Colorado and Wyoming Association of Museums (CWAM) Small Grants
Members of the Colorado and Wyoming Association of Museums may apply for one of four annual $500 grants that can be used for any number of collections care needs.
The Greenwood Fund through the Denver Foundation
The Greenwood Fund provides small grants for artifact and collection care for museums in the Colorado and Wyoming area.
Wyoming Cultural Trust Fund Grants
The WCTF can fund historic and architectural preservation projects, including conservation, preservation planning, restoration, or rehabilitation.