ECPN on the AIC Blog

ECPN is very active on AIC’s blog through the Emerging Conservation Professionals Community and, formerly, on Conservators Converse. In addition to stand-alone posts on various topics, ECPN has several ongoing interview series and follow-ups posts related to webinars, with related resources or Q&As with the presenters.

Please see these instructions for joining and navigating to the Emerging Conservation Professionals Community. You will find blog posts archived at the right side of the screen.

There are two ways of finding posts written by ECPN on Conservators Converse:

  1. Use the search box on the right side of the page and enter “ECPN” or keywords to find specific blog posts;
  2. Navigate to “Search By Category” on the right side of the page, and in the drop-down, select “Topics - Emerging Conservation Professionals.”

About AIC and FAIC

Diane Hartman interviewing Joy Gardiner for the FAIC Oral History Project

Professional Development

ECPN Blog Archive

Before ECPN migrated its blogging activity to AIC’s Conservators Converse, the Network hosted its own blog, which featured first-person accounts and insights from ECPs:

Other posts from this archived site can be found here: