Membership informs your work, connects you with your colleagues, and advances your career. Share knowledge, celebrate accomplishment, and lead the field.

Professional Membership


We award Professional Membership to individuals who have demonstrated that they meet our Essential Competencies for Conservation Professionals.

We built our program on three key ideas:

  • an application and evaluation process that assess independent thinking skills and a comprehensive  understanding of our Essential Competencies for Conservation Professionals, Code of Ethics, and Guidelines for Practice. 
  • a program for maintaining and encouraging continuing professional development (CPD) for professionals as they develop their skills, conduct outreach, and make contributions to the field.
  • a process for removing the designation from members who either do not meet the minimum required CPD or who, after adjudication, we find to have committed violations of our Code of Ethics and Guidelines for Practice. 

  • Criteria

  • Application Process

  • Why Apply?

  • Frequently Asked Questions


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