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Research & Technical Studies Postprints

Our Research & Technical Studies Group publishes this non-peer-reviewed publication annually.

  • consists of papers presented at the group's session of our annual meeting and independent submissions published at the discretion of the group.
  • contains non-peer-reviewed content for which its authors are solely responsible--both in the accuracy of their submissions and for the methods and/or materials they present, and as such, does not constitute any kind of official statement or endorsement on behalf of the organization

Research and Technical Studies Group Postprints Vol. 2 (2010)

Volume Two (2010) contains the proceedings from the RATS sessions of AIC's 38th Annual Meeting in Milwaukee, WI.

  • Research and Technical Studies Special Session: Micofading Oriel Microfading Tester (MFT): a Brief Description, by James Druzik
  • Comparison of Five Microfading Tester (MFT) Designs Comparison of Five Microfading Tester (MFT) Designs, by James Druzik and Christel Pesme
  • Protecting the Most Important, Most Exhibited and Most Fugitive Museum Objects from Light-Fading, by Bruce Ford and Nicola Smith
  • Development of a Microfading Tester for Light Exposurers Including Near-Ultraviolet Wavelengths, by Chong Tao and Paul M. Whitmore
  • Microfade Testing of 18th Century Iron Gall Inks, by Season Tse, Sherry Guild, Valeria Orlandini and Maria Trojan-Bedynski
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